Green certification - "half-marathon mark" exceeded!

The first stage on the way to a comprehensive Green Event Program for the Linz Donau Marathon has been completed!

The ÖGK Junior Marathon and the Oberbank Linz Donau Marathon are also aiming for certification this year.

"The marathon office is working hard on this and we have already passed the 'half marathon mark'," says Günther Weidlinger from the LIVA organization team.

The campaigns range from RePET finisher shirts and fair wear helper shirts and jackets to disposable cups at the finish line for the first time. "Runners are also welcome to take home the cups at the finish line, which were financed with the support of Frankenmarkter and Brau Union. In addition to the obligatory finisher's medal, this is another goodie that we can give to the runners thanks to our partner companies. After their efforts on the streets of Linz, they really deserve it."

The already familiar LINZ AG service program with free public transport on marathon Sunday and shuttle service from the main train station to Holzstraße and to the relay handover in Wienerstraße will of course remain in place.

Further information about the Green Event

Photo: Klaus Mitterhauser

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