Running is also a breeze in Linz

Traditionally, the youngest runners have priority at Upper Austria's running festival in the Junior Marathon at Sportpark Lissfeld.

Traditionally, even the youngest runners get moving at Upper Austria's running festival. And they do so even before the adults: At the free ÖGK Junior Marathon powered by ORF Upper Austria on April 15, which will be held at the LIVA Sports Park Linz-Lissfeld, it's not a best time that counts, but the Olympic motto "faster, higher, stronger, together."

As many studies have proven time and again: Exercise, along with a healthy diet, sufficient sleep and the best possible avoidance of stress, is the be-all and end-all for protecting against disease. In this respect, the patronage of the Austrian Health Insurance Fund at the Junior Marathon fits like a lid on its proverbial pot. "Exercise is fun. And our youngest insured know that best. That's why we are proud patrons of the ÖGK Junior Marathon. As ÖGK, we want to actively promote the desire to run. The Junior Marathon is the perfect child-friendly forum for this. The earlier we inspire our insured to lead an active life, the more healthy years they can be sure of," says Michael Pecherstorfer, chairman of the ÖGK regional committee in Upper Austria.

Not only taking part, but also watching is always a real pleasure on this Saturday. Linz's deputy mayor and sports officer Karin Hörzing sums it up this way: "The children's competition is definitely not to be missed. This joy and enthusiasm among the little ones is highly motivating and spills over to the adults as well."

The focus is on having fun. Distances are adjusted according to age group for children and young people. However fast, everyone who takes part is a winner. Everyone gets a starter's bag and a finisher's medal.

In the long history of the event, numerous running talents have been discovered who later caused a sensation. For example, Niki Franzmair, who once topped the U18 world rankings, or Kevin Kamenschak, who finished eighth in the 1500 meters at the U20 World Championships last year.

Only 200 places left

But it is already worthwhile to hurry, at least for parents. Because for the junior marathon only just under 200 of the total of 1200 offered starting places are still open. "Experience shows that this will now fill up over the coming days," says sports director Günther Weidlinger. Registration for children is free of charge.

Today at midnight sharp, the second entry deadline for the 21st edition already ends.

The Oberbank Danube Marathon in Linz on April 16 is already a hot topic: all over the country you can see athletes training for it despite sub-zero temperatures. While many runners-to-be are braving the winter and reeling off their kilometers, the marathon office is also getting sweaty. The second entry deadline for the 21st edition ends at midnight sharp.



Photo: Klaus Mitterhauser

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Upper Austrian News