Special Olympics Run powered by Hofmann Personal

Runners hit the finish line with their right hand

The Special Olympics Run powered by Hofmann Personal takes place as part of the Junior Marathon.

The Linz Danube Marathon is also all about inclusion. For the first time, there will be a separate competition for people with disabilities as part of the ÖGK Junior Marathon on Saturday. The "1st Special Olympics Run Linz powered by Hofmann Personal" with a distance of 530m is intended to help participants discover new abilities through the power of sport and perhaps experience previously unimagined successes.

Start time

2:40 pm


Please register by e-mail with Special Olympics Upper Austria.

Register now

Registration deadline

Friday, March 15, 2024

many runners start the quarter marathon in the sunshine
The last meters before the finish

Included services

  • race number
  • Finisher medal
  • refreshments in the finish area after the run

Green Event

Green Event Logo

The Oberbank Linz Danube Marathon has always paid special attention to the responsible use of resources and environmental protection aspects. Since the previous year, all areas of the organization have also been professionally monitored and continuously examined for sustainability. As an interim result, many aspects were already noticeably rethought for participants in 2023. In 2024, the goal is to organize the competitions according to the criteria of the Austrian Eco-Label for Green Events.

For a successful implementation, we also rely on the support of our participants and ask them to make an active contribution. Whether it is to arrive publicly, or to pay attention to the correct waste separation.

Green Event

If you have any questions about the ÖGK Junior Marathon as a Green Event, please contact the Linz Marathon Service Center:


+43 732 65 73 11 4100

Volunteers are always welcome!

Are you interested in taking a look behind the scenes at Upper Austria's largest running event? Please contact us by mail: linzmarathon@liva.linz.at